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Channeling & Awkaning your inner guidance training

Practice opening up your senses, and learning to read the subtle energies, channeling messages, guidance for your own life and others. Our Wisdom Training combines guided teachings from the spiritual Masters, and ancient Indonesian healing teachings on how to work with energy, spirit, and awareness. Immerse yourself in awakening teachings, allow your senses to open, and recalibrate your life to become more aligned with your Spirit. 
Let Kata and her team guide you on a journey of self-discovery, awakening and empowerment.

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Sacred Feminine Embodiment
Inner Guidance Channeling Training in magical Ibiza 
May 16-20, 2024

When the Magic of the Goddess within You and the magic of a Goddess Island (Ibiza) meets...

It can only be empowering, inspiring...  An initiation into the powers that truly move your Life.


Join Kata van Doesselaar, yoga teacher, artist, and channeler since 25years..fora journey that will open your mind, your heart and your dimensions to live in and manifest from...

embark on a journey of embodiment, where each day we will invoke, invite, transform thus embody more of the sacred feminine energies in our self and lives.

5 days, 4 nights..for a magical initiation into energy awareness, multidimensional communication...just like in ancient times, when women who felt the Call within &  gathered to open up for the wisdom and mysteries of Life that was then revealed to them.

We dont need to hide anymore. This is the blessing of this time we live in.

We can just connect and create magic together whenever we feel like.

And this is what you will also learn... How to spark up the flame of love, magic and wisdom in your Heart, and Spirit, and how to sustain this connectedness in all days. 


Since thousands of years the source of wisdom and intuition have been accessed mostly by women. Just think about the High Priestesses, the Priestesses from Delphi, and in Egypt, people would turn towards highly intuitive and wise women for advice and guidance.

We live in a time where the patriarch is collapsing and it is more and more clear that we need to go back to a heart centered, love centered intuition and guidance from the Divine Feminine to shift the make it sustainable for all and for our planet as well.

In this time as many people are awakening globally, people start to ask questions about their Life purpose, and just in general exploring why we live at all, the energy, frequency of the planet and all of us together is rising.

That makes it easier to sense and feel interdimensionally and have mystical, transcendental experiences.

It is a time where we feel the urge- collectively- to change to rise to embody more of what we truly are and manifest our full potentials for the benefit of all.

Sometimes in these times of transformational change it is confusing to find the directions, it is overwhelming that everything is changing, and where are we going at all?

Luckily we are not alone when we choose this Path, as there are many on the planet who choose to wake up and do their steps forward and up, BUT there is also tremendous amount of higher dimensional support available to us.

When we choose to walk towards our higher Self, those dimensions in our energy field and consciousness get open and accessible and the connections and experiences we had on that level are becoming accessible and revealed to us, if we are aware of this.

It is a very empowering unique process and can be beautiful and enjoyable and so fulfilling.

Yet due to past previous experiences and the imprint of those, many human have the old pattern that they need to carve the way alone, isolated, without the support of anyone.

This is not the full truth.

There is endless amount of Love and support available on the way, and we just need to ask and RECEIVE.

It is only an old limiting belief that the journey needs to be hard and full of suffering. 

How about , beautiful, comforting and sweet and magical?

Kata felt the call and the message through Mary Magdalene. that this is the time to offer this workshop which will be an activation of your own private energy and interdimensional communication channel, so you can learn how to connect with Goddess energies/deities, Masters, to hear, feel, their guidance and receive their healing, wisdom, which eventually is yours.


On this Path we are not worshipping anyone out there , we are learning to open ourselves up to these qualities and Spirit within ourselves.

Through divine guidance.

As You are God/Goddess also. 

We are thrilled to offer this program, to activate the sacred energies and wisdom of Mary Magdalene, Isis and the Goddess Tara.

DATES : MAY 16-20 

Location, Ibiza, a beautiful sweet town Santa Eulalia, in a 4 star quiet hotel.

 Join Kata van Doesselaar’s Goddess Channeling Training to learn how to open up and use all your senses. Learn to explore interdimensional communication that can contribute to the fulfilment of your Life, to the development of healing and creating abilities, and the expansion of your awareness and your energy field.

During the course, we will learn how to connect more strongly to our intuition, inner voice, how to communicate with our own Spiritual Self clearly, and how to connect with Goddess Essences, Masters, and the Spirit of our loved ones.

The training will also help you clear your energy channel and bring pure creativity, intuition, healing power, vitality into your will help you unlock blockages and open up to Conscious Creation..and divine guidance. You will also learn how to discern energies, how to work with energies, how to clean your energy body and avoid to take on energies from others.

We will learn which essence can help you..when to invoke what, what is good to connect to, how to develop a sense of discernment and we will create a strong connection with a chosen Goddess, an essence with whom you will work for several weeks and months to build these new dimensions in Yourself.

Kata van Doesselaar has practiced various forms of channeling since the age of 17, she is an expert in interdimensional communication. From 2009, she led groups with the energies and messages of Isis, St Germain, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Merlin, Tara.

She held monthly live broadcasts until 2013, with thousands of participants, online. And the feedback has always been fantastic.

Now , Kata received the message that it is time to reopen her channel to a wider audience ... and with the resumption of monthly broadcasts, Kata feels a call to help unlock these abilities in others as well. FOR A MORE FULFILLED, INSPIRED, AWAKENED, MORE JOYFUL AND LIGHTER LIFE!

Who is the course for?

For beautiful Souls who wish to open up their senses, and use forgotten ways to communicate, get guidance and use their ability to create a divine life aligned to their Spirit.

For Ladies who wish to embody more of their Feminine essence, and want to reconnect to the rich and wise source that lies within them.

For women who are already on the journey but wish to open their wings and fly more freely get more guidance and get more confident in their connection to Self and Goddess Essence.

To women who wish to transform, heal and go beyond limiting beliefs and open to new potentials.

To women on the Path who wish to empower deeper and stronger then they ever did before.


ATTENTION: if you are mentally instable, or you take anti depressants or any types of mind alternating drugs, this course is not for you.

Our Program

- Morning yoga to ground followed by connecting to the Goddess of the Day- group channel..

- Meals on your own in Santa Eulalia or the hotel

- Assessements with the Goddess/ Energy of the day.

- Afternoon break, nature, hike, beach time

- Afternoon group Channel, followed by partner assessements

- Dinner (not included)

- On every second evenings meditation, mantra, women circle ritual.

Throughout the training we will have daily yoga to ground, group channeling sessions, to get used to receiving energy and then slowly building up towards individual messages, words, and channeled messages by you! Plus some hikes, excursions etc.. nature time and also assessments in nature ❤️

The training takes place in the charming town of Santa Eulalia, Ibiza, in a beautiful hotel, the fee includes the training and all the excursions and accommodation in shared 2 pers room with bathroom. Meals are not included.
We will have daily quiet indoor sessions and also outdoor nature sessions, learning to feel energies, and communicate with everything around us.
We will also spend times on practicing connection with loved ones, and our angels, guides, Masters. We will do daily yoga, just to set the energies moving and some hikes in beautiful nature. 
The hotel is : 4* hotel with pool and roof terace,in the heart of Santa Eulalia. You can book extra nights directly with the hotel. Transfer from the airport are simple with taxis, around 35 euros.

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEE : 750€ till 31 December (register with 300€ deposit- non refundable) 
After 31 dec normal fee is 880€. (based on shared room accommodation) - single room available at extra costs on request.

Maximum participants: 7 persons.
Book your spot quickly to not miss this magical opportunity.

The fee includes Kata's Tara Goddess Oracle Deck . That she channeled.
At the completion of the training you will receive a certificate of completion.









What previous participants shared:

“I know Kata very well, I have been witnessing many of her channelings in person from the beginning.

I barely know anyone else that is channeling entities in such a deep and pure way from her heart. That is why I highly trust her opinion and I am honoring her for how she is walking on her path. This is why I went to her channeling workshop. I just heard the call to be there.

My biggest surprise what happened there went beyond all my expectations. I could connect with Merlin in such way that I felt his presence in all cells of my body. Merlin helped me to connect with a team of entities that have spent their lives as a group of scientists on earth.  I felt clearly Einstein and Nicola Tesla amongst this team of approximately 20 entities. From that moment we are working on a fantastic project together. In the last exercise we were doing channeling in couples and through my partner I received a message that touched my soul deeply and opened my heart fully. This experience is still alive in me. After the workshop I felt like shifting through a galactic tunnel into a totally different dimension without effort or pushing, but with ease and grace in deep connection with my body and soul.

It has created the most adventurous journey of my life”.



“I wanted to participate to this course because I wanted to get closer to myself to my own soul. During this workshop it did happen and much more than just this happened. Kata and Erno with their love and gentle guidance and their credibility showed the way that I want to walk on. I did not only get closer to wonderful entities whose energies and loving support felt amazing, but also to my soul and this started a new flow of change in me, that brings me closer to my joy and my balance. The most amazing proof for me is the credibility and authenticity of Kata and Erno. Yes it is impossible to live in a different way, the way that I have always dreamed of. I can feel this becoming stronger and stronger with each breath”.


“This training was a fantastic experience to me. New dimensions opened up for me that I was not even dreaming about! I had amazing experiences and it just keeps happening. The passion of Erno and Kata for channeling is truly touching me, they are inspiring me as true standards!
Thank You so much”!

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